Wednesday, November 17, 2010

U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree from Wyoming

This is the first time that the State of Wyoming has been able to provide the US Capital Christmas Tree. It was taken from the Bridger Targhee National Forest near Jackson Hole. It was selected several months ago and a landscaping company from Jackson has been nurturing it. They have fertilized and watered it to make look its best. Before cutting they sprayed it with a waxy substance to keep the needles. It has been a major process to cut and ship it. Last Friday it was in Rock Springs. Joyce took her 3rd Grade to see it. It was enclosed but below you can see some plexy glass windows with holes to view and feel it.

It was on an exta long trailer. It has been traveling in Wyoming and left today to make many stops throughout the US before making it to the capitol. They event tracking the travel of the tree by satelite on a website It is pretty fun to watch the progress. You can learn more about the tree at the Casper Star Newspaper at It is pretty exciting for Wyoming as it is the first time in history that we have provided the tree.