Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

What a great weekend! We make it to Star Valley and had a great time. As you can see below, two cousins that are best friends. Check out Everett's hair. He has come a long ways since the Chemo treatments and lost hair.
We went on a hike up Cedar Creek Canyon. There is a pipe that goes underground up the canyon and it comes out in this pond. We put sticks in the pipe and waited for them to come up in the pond.

Aspen found that snail hunting was lots of fun. She found lots, but did not want them for dinner.

Cousins that really like each other. What fun they have together. The best part was the final plans of Grandma's Girl Party and the Boy Party.

What a great Storm Trooper. The people at the putting green were really impressed with a Storm Trooper, Darth Vader, and Spiderman putting on the green at Star Valley Ranch.
Then there was the swimming pool. Lot's of fun and what beautiful scenry surrounding the pool.

Even Grandma and Oakley are having a great time.

Check out Carter and Aspen.
We even tried some fishing. The grandkids confirmed that "Fishing is boring - Catching is Fun"

What a great time together. This is the best part of being back in Star Valley. The family loves to come back and have a great time. It is really great to be together as a family. The best part is enjoying the friendships and love together.

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